In apparent divisive times, perspective is tough to grasp, even elusive.


Let’s start by saying: We are not government. We are not corporations. We are not buildings. We are not unions. We are not labels.


WE ARE ALL PEOPLE, who by and large, are striving for the same things, connected on this journey at this tiny moment in time.


It would behoove us to become intimately acquainted with Oscar Romero’s famous work: A Step Along the Way; to read carefully each powerful word.


It’s out the gate with a simple line, “It helps, now and then, to step back and take a long view.” You’re thinking long….think longer.


Up the line to our ancestors’ ancestors. For we are all products of their lives, their past efforts, struggles, and dreams for us.


Down the line to our grandchildren’s grandchildren. We now carry that torch. We are the current runner. For they will inherit our lives, our current efforts, struggles, and dreams for them.


There is no finish line to end this race. While we do not run alone in this grand design, run we must. Nothing is ever finished, and that’s OK. It’s a Step Along the Way: “We lay foundations that will need further development.”


So, whenever you’re down, “This too shall pass.”

And likewise, whenever you’re up, “This too shall pass.”


Everything passes in its time. It’s meant to be this way. Our future generations will inherit this magnificent work. Your piece will be in it.


We are each becoming history. We share one thing in absolute common. All of us AND none of us are washed away. These steps along the way link us. Each footstep links everyone to everything throughout time. Keep taking those steps. That is the concern today.