“The secret of getting ahead is getting started” –Mark Twain


Is there something keeping you from getting started? We all deal with resistance to getting started. It is especially difficult for those of us who tend to (over)prepare, (over)plan, want answers to everything, want to figure everything out, etc. Those struggles and those thoughts will likely always be there. Acknowledge them and choose to move forward anyway.


After much planning (probably too much), I have decided to “get started” today on blogging, writing, using social media, and perhaps more. My stated goal is to improve my ability to help people in their lives in the specific areas of purpose, adversity, and financial planning. I can only help others if I continue to do the work on myself.


Is this scary for me? Yes. In fact, it seems overwhelming. I could write pages of questions that I’d either like to know the answer to or know how to do before I would get started. My personality is such that I desire to know as much as I can and battle that perfectionist trait, knowing all along that perfection doesn’t exist and seeking it is destructive. I am raw in this area now. My promise and personal commitment is progress.  I will share my life experiences and expertise in the areas of purpose, adversity, and financial planning. I will continually improve. I will take action. I am getting started now.


 “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” –Lao Tzu