SMALL CONSISTENT ACTIONS (preferrably initiated by our habits) Small actions are progress and progress leads to personal fulfillment. This is true across the board, especially in goal setting, achievement, and financial planning. The science is conclusive linking happiness to
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The Secret Sauce of Life
The Investment Grass is Not Always Greener
Investment performance does not determine financial success. There is no such thing as the best performing portfolio. The “grass is greener” mindset is prevalent here. There will always be something that did better for whatever given time period. Don’t be tempted
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Those Deadly Financial Emotions
We must limit (or at least manage) our financial emotions. Unfortunately, we can’t get rid of them. We must recognize one fact. We are most often our own worst financial enemy. Not the economy. Not our investments. Not even our intelligence.
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Diversification and Asset Allocation; Not the Same Thing
ASSET ALLOCATION is your big picture “pie.” Your mix of stocks, bonds, and cash. Keep it simple. Stocks are owning businesses and a share in the profits they make. Bonds are making loans and receiving interest. We all know cash.
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The Long-Term: Boring, But Necessary
Investment principles only work through the lens of LONG-TERM. There are constant short-term temptations. Don’t give in to these “guaranteed” products or whatever the media happens to be pushing. Long-term is hard, but rewarding. This is true in most things,
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Investments are NOT a Plan
Investment strategy supports a financial plan. Investments are not a plan. This is the most common mistake. Investments are not an answer. They don’t solve financial problems. They are not the goal. They are a means to an end.
Linking Your Resources to Your Goals
Most prevalent in this phase of the plan is having a research back, principle-based, and time tested investment process; not an investment solution, an investment process. We need to implement the plan. Take the proven concepts of asset allocation, diversification,
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The All-Too-Common Financial Ostrich
When it comes to our personal finances, let’s stop burying our heads in the sand. Take the time to define current resources: income, expenses, assets owned, liabilities owed, etc. This simple act puts one ahead of the pack. Besides, doing a
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There is No Such Thing as “Goal Accomplishment Island”
When we imagine goals, we imagine some mystical finish line. At this finish line we find pure bliss. After all, we’ve accomplished our big audacious goal. Is that possible? Is it even logical thinking? Will we find ourselves in
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Key Distinction of a FINANCIAL PLAN
It must be dynamic, flexible, subject to editing as life changes and progresses (best served by an online financial planning software). At the very least, it would be written; preferably, typed. The plan should grant online access. It should
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